Making Faces Project Week 3

Week 3 is titled The Starlet I have to say I was not going to actually bleach out my brows for fear of looking like a crazy alien.  Its definably a fun look, but for normal wear I think I will be keeping my actual eyebrows 🙂

So far I have really been enjoying this project, although its been really strange trying to photograph myself, The first 2 sets of photos I was setting the timer and running in front hoping to catch a decent image, After doing a little research I can now click the picture from my phone, which makes it much easier but a lot less funny to watch, ask Claire from bohemian-belle She can give you a first hand account of the hilarity that ensues!

JenStarletBrows I started by sealing my brows with a glue stick followed by and eyebrow sealer I got on Amazon called Model in a Bottle.

I then used my Mac Concealer Palette in Light

Eyes: I used TiGi Precision Black Eyeliner Pen and Urban Decay Perversion Mascara

Cheeks: I used Mac powder blush in Frankly Scarlett.

Lips:I used Nars Matte lip pencil in their new Color Iberico